Moving + Room DIY

Hello Hello!

As many of you are aware, I have moved back to Portsmouth for a while. This is super exciting because it means that I have another room to organise and decorate! (Does moving excite anyone else or is that just me?) My brother kindly helped me to move all my stuff from London to Portsmouth and it made me realise just how much of a hoarder I am! However, instead of actually addressing that issue, I am just finding new ways to store it all.

I think the biggest storage problems I am facing come from my books and musical instruments (I mean it definitely has nothing to do with all those N-Dubz CD's from 2008 that I keep for some unknown reason). Well anyway, after watching the great interior design challenge on Netflix, I have felt really inspired to get crafty. With my storage necessity and budget in mind, I found myself browsing my way through my local car boot sale; A pastime which I love doing mainly due to my appreciation of absolute junk! However, sometimes you can find some really great things there for example, I managed to get my hands on this bookshelf 

How much was this bookshelf you ask? It was 2 pounds!

I wasn't a fan of the colour but the wood is actually really good. When registering how easy it would be to sand it and then paint it, I jumped at the opportunity to get it.

One thing that I love about car boot sales is seeing everyone walk around whilst juggling all of the furniture that they have bought. However, the joke seems a little less funny on the other side when you realise just how awkward it is to carry a bookshelf around!

So here is the finished product >>>>>>>>>>>

It doesn't house all of my books but it's small and nifty enough to fit into my room. I'm going to put shelves up around my room for all my other books.

Also I'm not sure if you can tell here, but I tried to colour coordinate my books because I saw it on Pinterest and thought it looked really cool. While I do think it's cool, a part of me is slightly annoyed that this entailed separating series and authors. I'm going to leave it for a while and see if it's something i can get used to.

Another Purchase that I made at this boot sale was a cork board for 1 pound! I love using cork boards to display pictures around my room however, I'm not exactly a massive fan of the colour so I decided that I was going to redecorate it!  (See below the result ↓)

Here I simply went around the frame with some black polka dot washi tape and decided to pin some fabric with a map design onto the actual cork board. After doing this I decided that this would work really well as a travel map! As you can see I have tracked everywhere that I have been so far and connected them all with red thread. This can also be used as a great memo board! This took me about 10 minutes so if any of you have a spare cork board, you know what to do! Something as simple as this can completely transform it into something a bit more unique and personalised.

My room isn't completely finished yet. I have a few other projects that I want to do, to which I will keep you guys updated on my progress and obviously (my favourite part of the great interior design challenge!) I will share with you the finished product!

Thank you for reading this weeks post! Comment below if you would like more posts about room design.

1 comment:

  1. Your projects really worked out well & have me some ideas, thank you for sharing your creativity


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